Acts 2:45 "Selling their possesions and goods, they gave to anyone as he had need."
Here we see such unity in this new body of beleivers. They sacraficed what they had to meet the needs of others. Two chapters later in Acts 4 it says, "All the beleivers were one in heart and mind. No one claimed that any of his possesions was his own, but they shared everything they had... There were no needy persons among them."
Being one in heart and mind, they were sensitive to the needs of others. They did not count their own desires and wants as important, but sacraficed so that others would not be in need. In this specific chapter in Acts, we see the ones whom God had blessed with possesions giving them up to bless those who were in need.
The Lord gave everyone in the body gifts to be used to edify the body, and if all the gifts are used appropriately, nobody will be lacking. The Lord has given me gifts to be used to build up my brother were he may fall short. If I do not use these gifts that i have been given to edify others, I am not being sensative to the needs of the body. I am not working toward the fellowship of unity and interdependence on one another. Likewise when I have need, I must be willing to allow others to help.
This is unity in the body. "Bear one another's burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ." I am not always sensative to the needs of others. Sometimes it is because I do not take the effort to observe the needs around me, other times it is just out of complacency and selfishness. But as a part of the body I am to look out for, to feel the needs of others and to come to their aid when I have the means.
In application I will write out three ways in which I can use the gifts I have been given for the edification of the body and do them.
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